As part of the release of the European Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20), the losses from a number of past scenarios have been calculated. These currently comprise significant damaging earthquakes from the past 40 years in Europe, which have been modelled using both rupture models and ShakeMaps. The reported losses for these earthquakes, as provided in public repositories (EM-DAT and NOAA), have also been collected and made available. Interested users can access the OpenQuake-engine input files for these scenarios from a dedicated GitLab repository, and the estimated losses from these scenarios using the components of ESRM20 can be explored via an interactive viewer. Web services are also available for the implementation of automated access to the files and maps. Technical details on the earthquake scenario calculations and their use in the development of ESRM20 can be found in the Documentation.
How to use and cite this work
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). To view a copy of the license, visit
If you make use of the earthquake scenario data, please cite as follows:
H. Crowley, J. Dabbeek, L. Danciu, P. Kalakonas, E. Riga, V. Silva, E. Veliu, G. Weatherill (2021). Earthquake Scenario Loss Testing Repository (v1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.